Create a Lambda Function

Create a Lambda function

  1. Access the AWS Management Console interface:
  • Look for Lambda and click on the service icon to go to the Lambda Console. Create Lambda Function
  1. Within the Lambda console interface:
  • Click on Create a function Create Lambda Function
  1. On the Create function window:
  • Choose Author from scratch as the method

  • For Basic information, enter the name of the Lambda function as WatermarkS3Upload

  • For Runtime, choose the version of your Python environment.

    Create Lambda Function

    Make sure you got the runtime version the same as your environment, otherwise the function may not work.

  • Next, expand Change default execution role, select Use an existing role

  • From the dropdown, select the IAM Role we have created in the previous step LambdaWatermarkS3Role

  • We now can move on by clicking Create function

    Create Lambda Function

  • Successfully created function Create Lambda Function

Next up, we’re going to create the trigger for our lambda function